Cognitive Neurorehabilitation Sciences Lab @Kite Research Institute, University Health Network, and University of Toronto
Cognitive Recovery (and decline) after Moderate-Severe TBI, and Predictors of Recovery
Green, R.E.A., Dabek, M., Changoor, A., Rybkina, J., Monette, G., Colella, B. (under review). Moderate-Severe TBI as a Progressive Disorder: Patterns and Predictors of Cognitive Declines in the Chronic Stages of Injury. Psychological Medicine.
Vasquez, B.P., Tomaszczyk, J.C., Sharma, B., Colella, B., Green, R.E.A. (2018). Longitudinal recovery of executive control functions after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: Examining trajectories of variability and ex-Gaussian parameters. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. Mar; 32(3): 191-199. PMID: 29561244.
Frasca, D., Tomaszczyk, J., McFadyen, B., Green, R.E.A. (2013). Traumatic brain injury and post-acute decline: what role does environmental enrichment play? A scoping review. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, Special Issue: Brain Injury as a Neurodegenerative Disorder. Apr 17; 7(31): 1-22. PMID: 23616755.
Christensen, B., Colella, B., Inness, E., Hebert, D., Monette, G., Bayley, M., Green, R.E.A. (2008). Recovery of cognitive function after traumatic brain injury: A multilevel modeling analysis of Canadian outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dec; S2, 89(12): 3-15. PMID: 19081439.
Till C, Colella B, Verwegen J, Green RE. (2008). Postrecovery cognitive decline in adults with traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Dec;89(12 Suppl):S25-34. PMID: 19081438.
Ruttan, L., Martin, K., Liu, A., Colella, B., Green, R.E.A. (2008). Long-term cognitive outcome in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis examining timed and untimed tests at 1 and 4.5 or more years after injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dec; S2, 89(12): 69-76. PMID: 19081444.