Cognitive Neurorehabilitation Sciences Lab @Kite Research Institute, University Health Network, and University of Toronto

Robin Green
Dr. Robin Green is a Senior Scientist at KITE-UHN, the Saunderson Family Chair in Acquired Brain Injury, Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine at University of Toronto, and a Clinical Neuropsychologist. Dr. Green’s program of research addresses brain and behavioural mechanisms of recovery from serious brain injuries and the development of treatments to improve brain, cognitive and mental health recovery. One of her lab’s key findings is that following a moderate-severe brain injury, the brain ages at an accelerated rate in the early months and years post-injury. Importantly, this finding opens up new avenues for treatment. In this regard, Dr. Green’s team has identified prognostic indicators, and promising treatments to offset decline and improve outcomes, which are currently underdevelopment. Dr. Green founded and runs the Telerehabilitation Centre for Acquired Brain Injury, a unique centre that remotely delivers evidenced-based clinical treatments to patients across Ontario. Care is delivered pro bono, in group format, and the data of consenting patients supports the ongoing refinement of treatment content and its delivery. The Centre treats patients exclusively in the chronic stages of neurological disorders, such as mild (concussion) to severe traumatic brain injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain tumour, and other disorders, addressing a large gap in clinical care and research for these under-serviced and vulnerable individuals. Dr. Green is the former Canada Research Chair (II) in Traumatic Brain Injury Cognitive Neurorehabilitation Sciences, co-lead of the Schroeder Brain Institute and head of the Brain Discovery & Recovery Team at KITE. Dr. Green completed her training at Brandeis University (BA), Cambridge University (Ph.D.), Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital (Post-Doc), and the University Health Network (Clin. Neuropsych).